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Robbery Crimes

Stealing from another person directly through use of force, intimidation or threat is classified as robbery in the state of Colorado. Depending on the circumstances, you can be charged with one of three types of robbery depending on the circumstances: robbery, aggravated robbery, and robbery of controlled substances. Each type has its own set of consequences which can yield significant prison time.

If you or someone you know has been charged with robbery, it’s imperative you gain legal representation as soon as possible. The penalties you’ll be facing are no laughing matter and could have an impact for the rest of your life. Get started on your defense as soon as possible and get in contact with an experienced Denver robbery defense lawyer today.

Denver Robbery Defense Attorney

Are you in need of legal counsel? If so, we recommend you consult Law Office of Matthew A. Martin, P.C.. As an attorney for robbery crimes in Colorado, Matthew Martin can stay ahead of the prosecution as they build their case because he used to be a prosecutor. He know what the prosecution is looking for, and the approaches they may take when building their cases.

His 13 years of prosecution experience can work in your favor as he strategizes your defense. Whether you are under investigation or have already been arrested, please call now. The faster you retain a robbery and burglary attorney, the better off your case will be. Call (303) 725-0017 to set up your first consultation. Law Office of Matthew A. Martin, P.C. accepts clients throughout the greater Denver area including nearby counties such as Jefferson County, Douglas County, Adams County, and Boulder County.

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What Kind of Crime is Robbery in CO?

In Colorado, robbery is a form of theft under Colorado law. The statute for the crime can be found under Article 18 Part 4 of the Revised Statutes. The law states it’s illegal to knowingly take anything of value from another without their permission by use of:

  • Force;
  • Threats; or
  • Intimidation

Colorado has three types of robbery a person can be charged with. These are classified by whether a deadly weapon was used or threatened and whether an object of the robbery was theft of any controlled substances. Since the offense is considered a serious crime, the state of Colorado deems robbery a felony automatically.

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How Long Do You Go to Jail for Robbery in Colorado?

The crime of robbery involves knowingly taking anything of value directly from another person or in another person’s presence by the use of intimidation, threats, or force.

In Colorado, three types of robbery crimes can be prosecuted including:

  • The crime of robbery under Section 18-4-301 C.R.S.;
  • The crime of aggravated robbery under Section 18-4-302 C.R.S.; and
  • The crime of aggravated robbery of controlled substances under Section 18-4-303 C.R.S.

The way the crime is charged depends on the following factors:

  • Whether the object of the robbery was the theft of any drug or controlled substance; or
  • Whether a deadly weapon was used or threatened.

The crime of simple robbery is charged as a class 4 felony with penalties including:

  • Up to six (6) years in prison; and/or
  • A fine of $2,000 to $500,000.

If the accusation of robbery involved the use or threaten the use of a deadly weapon, then the crime can be charged as aggravated robbery. Penalties for aggravated robbery include:

  • A potential fine of up to $750,000;
  • A mandatory prison sentence of up to 32 years; or
  • A mandatory prison sentence of up to 48 years if it involved controlled substances

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What is the Difference Between a Robbery and a Burglary?

Robbery and burglary are two separate crimes, though many people often confuse them with one another.Colorado law distinguishes the two based on the intention of the crime. Robbery is a theft crime that involves using force or the threat of force in order to steal property.

A victim must be present during the crime and have been threatened or harmed in some way. If the victim was physically hurt or if a weapon was used during the crime, the charge will be bumped up to aggravated robbery.

Burglary on the other hand, is the crime of unlawfully entering a residence with the intent to steal or commit another crime. If you have been charged with robbery or burglary in Colorado, you need to hire an experienced attorney.

Both robbery and burglary are felony charges for which a conviction can send you to prison for many years. If you are facing charges for either of these crimes, what you need now is an experienced attorney.

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Additional Resources

Colorado Violent Crime Statistics – Visit the official website of the Colorado Bureau of Investigations (CBI) to learn more about their violent crime statistics. Access their infograms along with their 2017 violent crime data in the state of Colorado.

Robbery Laws – Visit the official website of the Colorado Revised Statutes to learn more about their theft laws. Access their legislation to find out the penalties for robbery and other related crimes such as aggravated robbery or burglary.

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Denver Lawyer for Robbery Charges | Colorado Theft Lawyer

If you or someone you know has been charged with robbery or any other theft related offense, get in contact with Law Office of Matthew A. Martin, P.C.. With over 30 years of experience, Matthew Martin has the knowledge and skills to develop an effective and efficient defense for your case. Get started on your defense today and call his office at (303) 725-0017 to set up your first consultation free.

Law Office of Matthew A. Martin, P.C. accepts clients throughout the greater Denver area including Boulder, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Castle Rock, Parker, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Thornton, Broomfield, Commerce City, and Louisville.